Sober Social Networks

If you have a spouse or partner, this person is integral to your recovery journey. Try to help partners understand mental illness and substance abuse, and encourage them to get involved with your treatment. Instead, they should practice self-care, empathize with you, and be positive about the treatment process. The perfect support system looks a little different for everyone, depending on a range of factors.

Monthly Meetings consist of educational speakers focusing on ROSC and organizations engaging in recovery focused work. Additionally stakeholders meet to collaborate to find real solutions in bringing a recovery oriented system of care to the Austin Community. If so, please click “Applied for Job” to save it to your “Application History” page. “We want to connect people, give them an outlet and support,” Thorstensen said.

How to Build a Sober Support Network

Your family members have known you longer than anyone else and have likely witnessed your battle against substance abuse and addiction first-hand. However, in some cases, family members may have addictions or engage in behavior that may have contributed to your addiction prior to you entering rehab. If your family members are unable to support and encourage you in your life of recovery, you can build a more supportive network through other potentially more reliable means. For this reason, patients may be more inclined to shy away from investing effort into building a support network when they graduate from rehab and commit to remaining clean and sober. Nevertheless, it is necessary to invest time, effort, and energy into building a strong, positive, healthy social network even if it requires moving beyond your typical comfort zone. Experts recommend that people with substance use disorders continue attending one indefinitely.

  • Plus you’re never usually in this part of town, and if you can sneak in a cheeky pint with Dean, who works round here, you won’t have to get the tube back over here next time for no reason.
  • Because the fact is, the real world is ripe with temptations—ones that often stem from drug-using memories with old friends in old social scenes.
  • By the time you get back to the main hall, you just have time to inhale a cup of coffee, which is now making your mouth feel like mud pie, as you are herded into the next seminar.
  • When you were going through inpatient rehabilitation treatment, you probably had various opportunities to build the foundation for a sober network.
  • In addition to providing proven 12 Steps-based curricula, our treatment centers offer an extensive selection of program options for people from virtually every walk of life. is an easy-to-use and intuitive online directory comprised of sober houses and recovery residences. helps individuals in recovery find affordable housing during their transition into sober living. Nevertheless, people often find it challenging to effectively build a support network. Some people are so excited to have completed a rehab program that they don’t fully realize the importance of building a support network. Others have may feel discouraged because they do not have supportive friends and family members, or they may have difficulty meeting new people. A sober support network is a group of sober individuals that you meet along the course of your recovery that helps you maintain your sobriety for the long-term.

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Both parties know that this is not true, but flouting the convention and admitting you are there to network is embarrassing for everybody. Kimbrough, who went through her recovery and sobriety at the start of the pandemic, had a large following on social media about her journey and she feels it helped her stay accountable. The three friends, brought together by their common desire, cofounded FreeLife LLC, in January. The Hampton Roads business centers on building a sober community and ending the stigma around addiction. Before heading out to an event, I would have good intentions and commit to myself that I was not going to drink. I would be in the right mindset and happy about my decision to not drink.

How can I socialize without drinking?

  1. Call ahead. Call the bar ahead of time and make sure they have some alcohol-free drinks options.
  2. Set yourself a 'power hour'
  3. Be the organiser.
  4. Reframe your thoughts.
  5. Have an exit strategy.
  6. Don't be afraid to leave.

Leaving treatment can make it difficult to reconnect with the recovery community outside support meetings. However, if you want to meet other sober individuals, a great way to do so is to engage with the recovery community. Getting involved can mean volunteering, hosting sober events, or offering to teach others about addiction. These activities will help you meet other sober individuals and extend your support network.

Sober Social Networks Spark Connections, Minus the Booze

These may include hanging out with individuals you used to use drugs or alcohol with. Hanging around these individuals can potentially trigger you and pose a high risk of relapse. It is crucial to cut ties with negative influences and find a sober support network. This way, you are surrounded by people that support your sobriety and won’t tempt you to fall back into old habits.

What is the social network for sober people?

Sober Grid is the #1 sober social network for people recovering from drugs and alcohol. Unlock badges as you get more clean & sober time! Check-ins and Quests make it easy to keep recovery a daily habit. Easily find other people in your neighborhood that aren't drinking or using drugs.

Luckily, with the rise of functional cocktails and mindful drinking, sober options have never been better. Individuals from all genders, ethnicities, socio-economic levels, educational backgrounds, and occupations struggle with addiction. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in the U.S. over 20 million people had a substance use disorder. Of these people, 14.5 million struggle with alcohol abuse, known as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).

The Austin ROSC Initiative is a local coalition of addiction and mental health service providers, county and local offices, individuals and community-based services and many others. Our primary purpose is to help individuals, families and communities access and embrace the chronic care model of long-term recovery. How do we make the workplace more inclusive of our non-drinking coworkers? Mayflower Recovery in Wilmington, MA has created the premier state-of-the-art detox and inpatient addiction treatment facility in New England.

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